Yesterday in The Wall Street Journal, there was a story about women selling their personal clothing out of their closets. Women who have a lot of clothing and then find themselves without a job are posting their advertisement on Craigslist suggesting women not shop in stores but to shop in the advertisers closet. I had to laugh as I read about one seller complaining about her first five customers making a mess looking through the clothes, leaving them on the floor or hanging them over the rack. Welcome to my world. However, I look at "the mess" as a positive. The more clothes a customer tries on the more fun we have. Sometimes it takes a woman an hour to finally find what makes her body happy. However - I am there to serve my customers and these gals selling out of their closets just want the money. In the article it talks about how they serve wine, beer, and water to customers. That is one glorified garage sale.
This article made me realize how resourceful women are during tough economic times. Doncaster Apparel was started during the great depression over 75 years ago by a woman - Millie Tanner. Jana Kos just started her new trunk show company, Partners in Style, in January. A frind of mine sells Cabi and is doing better than ever. I have no doubt that these companies will thrive during this recession - because of the customer service these consultants give customers. Women are not going to stop purchasing clothing but they do need to make smarter choices. Wardrobe consultants are perfect for helping women make smarter choices.
This Thursday, Doncaster Louisville, is celebrating a grand opening in a new location. We have a lot to celebrate. A small, determined, group of us invested our time and money into creating a charming studio that allows us to better serve our customers. We have a great location, plenty of parking, lots of studio space with plans for serval special events. Doncaster clothing works for any lifestyle and special event. Stop by and see us - at noon is the ribbon cutting followed by an open house until 7:00pm. Bring a gently used suit to donate to Dress for Success and you'll receive a 10% off coupon.
If you are up early Monday morning, WHAS will have a live remote from the studio during their morning news 5:30-7:00am.
Ladies, however you are being resourceful, stop and congratulate yourself. Helen Redy's song ....if I have to I could do anything - I am strong (strong) I am invinsible (invinsible) I am Woman! keeps playing through my head along with I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never ever let him forget he's a man - cause I'm a woman.... Okay - enough. You get the point.
You Go Girl!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Happy Birthday Barbie
Barbie needs no last name - like Cher or Madonna. This is the gal we grew up with - perfect full bustline, tiny waist and hips, long legs, successful in her many careers, lots of cute friends, and the perfect man - Ken. Like her or not, Barbie has been the standard of beauty for the average female - however she isn't the girl to model ourselves after. She's just to...plastic.
Barbie is turning 50 - so am I. A friend today suggested we have a Barbie birthday party for my 50th. I was thinking more in line with a week at the Golden Door Spa. Actually, what I would really like is a Barbie outfit I saw on television from a recent fashion show. This show, held in New York City, featured original Barbie designs from various designers. It was fabulous. A dream come true. I never had the pink convertible Barbie car - surely I could get a Barbie designer ensemble.
I cherish all the Barbie clothes my mom made for me as a little girl. My mother was all about appearances - I suppose that is why I am an Image Consultant. Barbie and her friends taught me how to dress, fix hair, and be a true girlfriend. I spent hours with my Barbies and loved every minute of it.
I wish Barbie all the best and another 50 fabulous years. I make a toast to the gal that never stopped trying different careers, kept a smile on her face, and put up with Ken all these years.
You go girl!
Barbie is turning 50 - so am I. A friend today suggested we have a Barbie birthday party for my 50th. I was thinking more in line with a week at the Golden Door Spa. Actually, what I would really like is a Barbie outfit I saw on television from a recent fashion show. This show, held in New York City, featured original Barbie designs from various designers. It was fabulous. A dream come true. I never had the pink convertible Barbie car - surely I could get a Barbie designer ensemble.
I cherish all the Barbie clothes my mom made for me as a little girl. My mother was all about appearances - I suppose that is why I am an Image Consultant. Barbie and her friends taught me how to dress, fix hair, and be a true girlfriend. I spent hours with my Barbies and loved every minute of it.
I wish Barbie all the best and another 50 fabulous years. I make a toast to the gal that never stopped trying different careers, kept a smile on her face, and put up with Ken all these years.
You go girl!
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