Monday, December 29, 2008

How to Make and Keep Successful New Years Resolutions

It's that time again. A new year, new hopes, new dreams, a fresh start. I hope you look back on 2008 with a smile and the determination to have another successful year. What is it that you want to accomplish in 2009? If you haven't already made a New Years resolution or have resolved not to make one, take a look at this five step process for making and keeping successful resolutions

1. Decide What You Want
What do you really want to accomplish in 2009? One of the main reasons why people don't get what they want is because they haven't decided what they want. You are 100% responsible for your life so you have the power to decide, then focus on what it is you want to accomplish. Do you want to focus on your career, finances, recreation, health, relationships, or your contribution to the community? You can't do it all and you won't do it all in January.

2. Believe It's Possible
You get what you expect. Expect to be successful. If you make a resolution and tag it with "what's the use, I never keep resolutions" then you've already made the decision to fail. Have a deep belief that you have what it takes. It's all about attitude.

3. The Power of Goal Setting
It's not enough to say you want to lose weight. How much, by when, what steps will you take? It is easier to achieve any resolution that you break down into quarters. If you want to be healthier maybe the first quarter you drink green tea, walk for 30 minutes three times a week, and drink eight 80z glasses of water a day. The second quarter you keep doing those three and add three more. By the end of 2009 you'll have the healthier life you resolved to have.

4. Act As If
I'm a believer in affirmations. You have to declare outloud, everyday, that you have achieved whaterver it is you've resolved to achieve. Affirmations should be read three times a day and out loud. I do mine in the car. Statements such as: I only eat healthy foods and drink healthy drinks, I love myself and cherish my health, I can do all things through Him who gives me strength. Think like, talk like, dress like, act like, and feel like you've already achieved your resolution.

5. Take Action
Talk is cheap - take action. Action leads to motivation. As Nike says "Just Do It." At the end of 2009 you'll be glad you did.

I wish you and your family all the best for 2009.