Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"Brand" New You

Which famous brands do these statements represent: When you care to send the very best, Just Do It, We create magic moments in the lives of families?
If you said Hallmark, Nike and Disney you understand that branding is a global concept. A brand is a companies most valuable asset. Personal branding is the most effective way to communicate what makes you different, special and valuable to employers and customers then use those qualities to guide your career. Unless you identify your unique quality you do not have a competitive edge in the marketplace. We need to know who we are and why we are different otherwise we will just sound like everybody else.

Over the next 2 days I'll give you some tools to begin to build your personal brand. I'll explain why image is important to your brand. You will learn what it means to know yourself to grow yourself. Then I'll explain how to be consistent with your personal brand.

If you refer back to my first blog it touches on why image is important. What does your image say about you? Does your image project a high quality brand? Is your outward appearance a reflection of your qualities, character, integrity and talents? The moment we see someone we make judgements about them based purely on the way they look. We make evaluations about their character, temperament and professional skills. We do this within a matter of seconds. Since our initial split-second contact with people is eye-to-body, doesn't it make sense to choose carefully the way we dress purely to commumicate what we want to have thought about us. When we first meet someone they don't see our beautiful home, framed degrees, certificates amd accomplishments. Your appearance is your most visible and portable possession.

As you walk out the door this morning take one more look in the mirror - what are you projecting and is it your best?

Have a wonderful day!


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